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Cut Heating Bills with New Attic Insulation

insulationWinter heating bills are a major “pain point” for today’s consumers, especially those that rely on electric or oil-based heating solutions. Prices for those two services can fluctuate wildly, and they can put a real strain on household budgets during a season when things like Thanksgiving and the gift-giving of Christmas already demand more spending. New attic insulation can reduce home heating expenses by reducing the amount of cold air that gets into the home and ensuring that less hot air leaks into the outside world.

The Top Benefits of Adding New Attic Insulation

Opting for new insulation in the attic typically comes with a trifecta of major benefits, each of which can save homeowners a significant amount of money during the current winter season and for several years into the future:

  1. Adding new or additional insulation blocks cold air from getting into the home and filtering downward, since cold air tends to “sink.”
  2. Insulation also keeps hot air, produced by an existing heating system, from leaking outside the home. This is important, since hot air rises and almost always escapes through the roof.
  3. The cost of insulation is virtually canceled out during the first year, since both the heating and air conditioning systems will have to run less often to produce the same level of comfort for the home’s inhabitants. 

Types of Insulation: Plenty of Options to Choose From 

Every home, and every homeowner, tends to need a different kind of attic insulation to get the job done most effectively. That’s why today’s insulation companies have produced so many options, each of which has a different benefit and a different instance of best use. Among the options:

  • Roll-On Insulation: This is the most common form of insulation, and also the most cost-effective. It simply unrolls into existing spaces and provides excellent protection from cold winter air.
  • Blow-In Insulation: Usually installed by a professional, this type of insulation fills in the gaps that roll-on products simply cannot handle. It’s a great supplemental product for larger attics with open spaces or gaps.
  • Sprayed Insulation: This material is actually sprayed on the attic’s roof, eliminating the leaking of air into or out of the home. Best of all, this thin material maintains the attic’s open spaces and makes it possible to use the attic as a finished room.

Great Options for Today’s Homeowners

Whether it’s roll-on insulation or a more advanced product like sprayed materials, there are plenty of options for each homeowner to choose from. With the help of a professional, each of these insulation methods will result in significant, long-term energy savings.